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Class Craft

Class Craft Character Class: Mage
Level: 6
Powers: Teleport, Invisibility, Mage Circle
Pets: Ember
Experience Points: 28,665


To explain how I had the honor and luck to become an Infinity Knight and be able to venture into space in the Artemis Charger I have to go all the way back to when I was just a child.  I was actually part of a really poor and unprivileged family. My luck changed when the government of my planet decided to give the best ten students of the whole planet an opportunity to get out of the wretched world we lived in.  I would be competing against a total number of all the other billion students in my planet. I realized that it would be my first and only chance to have an opportunity to improve my life.  The examination would be performed in various different ways. The testing would range from math, science, culture, language and physical condition. My grandparent which was the only family I had left decided to give me all his money so I could sign up in an intensive program. I refused and a few days later he died due to the environmental conditions in the planet. I decided that I would use the money and make it through in honor of my grandpa. I joined the program and there were tons of brilliant students and I was overwhelmed with the amount of work and trouble I was going through. Then I met Max, he was a brilliant and successful student. We both decided that we had better chances if we worked together to achieve our goals. He was also from a poor family but his plan was to get benefits in order to get his family out as well. We worked extremely hard and even though we always thought of giving up, we pushed each other to keep going. Eventually the day of the testing arrived. I was extremely nervous but at the same time I felt inside that it was very possible that I would make it. It was an exhausting day, but we weren’t done. The testing lasted for a week. The results would be announced a week later as well. The wait was maddening but both Max and I knew that we had performed to our full potential. They announced the results from best to worst. They had announced Max second and we were both extremely happy, he was taken away by some guards. They were already on number eight and I had not been called yet. I started to get nervous and even started trembling. The announcer eventually said that only one more person would be accepted. He made a long pause and finally announced my name. I didn’t know what to do and I just froze. People urged me to go on and go with the guards. All the chosen ones were gathered in a room. There I saw Max and we both had huge smiles running across our faces. From there we had the chance to meet and get to know the other participants. The best of all was a really impressive girl, Kim, both physically and mentally exceptional. She was one of the only two girls chosen. They had both worked together as Max and I had done. From there we were told what this contest was all about. With these selection, they would create and elite team to venture space and do special mission to improve and maintain order in our solar system. We were trained for 5 years before actually going out to space. Once we went on our first mission with Kim was our commander and Max ended up being second in command. Our mission was very successful, and we went on to completing a total number of 500 successful missions. After this we were asked by our planet leaders to prepare to fight one of the out skirting planets which was a supposed foe. We decided we would first do a recon mission. What we saw was that they were mostly peaceful and harmonious type of monks. We attacked since we were following orders, the planet was obliterated and we eventually learned that it was for its valuable resources and metals. This horrified our whole team which was the original 10 chosen ones. We were then told that we would do the same to hundreds of other planets and we found out that our planet had hundreds of planets enslaved. Life back in our planet was still disastrous. We realized we were just puppets to a huge empire of dictators. We decided that we would fight back. Our ship was the most advanced and better developed than all the others in our planet. As a team, we gathered a huge army of rebels but when we tried fighting back our efforts failed. We were destroyed since our leaders had hired a costly army of pirates. In the attack two of our members died and they had to be my childhood friend Max and our leader Kim. I was next in command, I was shocked and couldn’t figure out what had to be done. The remaining members were also very depressed. I decided to make a decision and try to wander out to space and find a group of people to help us. Eventually I found a group called the Infinity Knights, they were the mightiest and most intelligent force I had ever seen. At first, they weren’t very convinced. Before they helped us out they had my crew perform various mission for them. When we gained their trust we actually went with squadron with their leader among us to examine the situation back in our solar system and its surroundings. They realized that this group of dictators were horrifying and would become a huge problem if let alone. We went in to fight against them with the full force of the Infinity Knights right behind us. We ended up winning the war but there were numerous losses from both sides. We liberated all the planets and improved life in this area of the galaxy. Out of our whole team of ten chosen ones, only I remained. The others died in the war and will always be remembered as the heroes. The leader of the Infinity Knights personally asked me to join the Infinity Knights and become an important member of their organization. I was extremely honored and thankful. But before joining the team I had to go back to my home planet and help out Max’s family, and tell all the others the heroes that my crew had been. They received me as a hero back in my planet. I made sure to leave a stable government and improve the lives of everyone I could. Then I finally headed to where the next part of my life would start as an Infinity Knight…

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